I mentioned an editorial several days ago, and never actually posted it.
I meant to. So. Here you go.
In one way or another, college has always been a life-altering force in people's lives. Students learn a little more about the natural world, the horrors of life (including but not limited to bills and nine to five jobs), and global history. Inevitably, all this learning also leads to decision-making. We decide our majors, how we use our time, where we spend our money, and who we hang out with.
At college, we also decide what we do--and do not--believe about God, which I feel is a really big problem. Why? Well, a few things.
Most colleges teach such that everything one typically learns is based upon the foundation of scientific learning. On the one hand, this scientific approach is awesome: it allows psychology to dovetail with cellular biology to dovetail with english, none of which are apparently related. However, it leaves some huge gaping holes in the learning experience.
Being a science major, I can tell you that the first thing almost every science professor covers at the start of semester is the whole theory-hypothesis-whatnot gig. Having heard this gig several times, let me assure you that a truly scientific approach is exactly why you cannot base a theological decision on anything you hear in a scientific college.
Science, at its core, is the study of the natural world, meaning it only studies and makes decisions on that which can be tested in a lab as it would happen in nature. For this reason, science does not touch the supernatural with a ten foot pole to the point that a true scientist will never debate it since he cannot study it. Students are being taught from a standpoint that declares at its core that God's existence is a moot point because it cannot be tested. It is not that God does not exist: it is that it should not be discussed or even taken into account.
Furthermore, science takes a 'right until proven wrong' approach to everything. Even those bits and pieces that are approached as utterly, unshakably true--take the laws of thermodynamics, for example--could be declared wrong if testing showed it as such. Science is not a stable, unshakable entity that builds upwards eternally: it is volatile, open to change, and constantly being edited. A prime example would be the current debate in the biology world over whether or not turtles are reptiles. Various studies of DNA have revealed the fact that turtle genes are extremely different from their reptilian one-time-cohorts. Many scientists are already accepting of the fact that there needs to be a new, turtles-only taxonomic section, separate from lizards, snakes, and crocodilians.
My point? Science cannot teach absolute truth. Nothing in science is ever considered completely, utterly, 100% absolute. Ideas will be accepted as right until proven wrong, but the moment an exception comes to light, the notion is edited. Compare this with any kind of religious teaching: all declare an unchanging set of truths which define the foundation of belief. These fundamentals are completely at odds with scientific fundamentals, making the two warring entities.
I will not try to make a case for God here: I don't feel that I have the wisdom to attempt that point. However, I know enough to say--without a doubt--that the typical college is NOT where students should decide about God. Ask a pastor, minister, priest, monk, or five of each: approach religious leaders of the community and abroad. Wherever you go, talk to people who at least are open to the idea of His existence. Better to speak to experts than the opinionated.
I know it's not very good--sorry to make you suffer. But it's written whole-heartedly, and educatedly: I didn't put anything in I haven't honestly learned.
Science aside, rugby has been in the front of my mind of late. Why?
6 a.m. Insanity workouts, that's why.
It's a lot easier to think about rugby all the time when every step is a begrudged effort earned only by intense, pain-ignoring effort. Added to this heap of joy is the nice layer of ice coating the entirety of campus, completely unsalted and ignored.
I end up feeling like I waddle all over the place. Which sucks, by the way. Enormously.
However, life goes on, and eventually I'll adjust to the Insanity of it all. Hopefully, but doubtfully.